Yolanda Gil
From Geoscience Paper of the Future
No Expertise Assigned, click here to assign!
Current Tasks0
Overdue Tasks16
Plan special issue
Overdue 9 years ago
Generate GPFs
Overdue 9 years ago
Plan timeline for all submissions
Overdue 10 years ago
Plan overall GPF activities
Overdue 10 years ago
Document GPF activities
Overdue 10 years ago
Prepare the article for publication
Overdue 10 years ago
Hold regular telecons
Overdue 10 years ago
Plan GPF overview article
Overdue 10 years ago
Create format and guidelines
Overdue 10 years ago
Document domain characteristics
Overdue 10 years ago
Document software by specifying metadata
Overdue 10 years ago
Make software executable by others
Overdue 10 years ago
Make software accessible
Overdue 10 years ago
Document the provenance of the results
Overdue 10 years ago
Make data accessible
Overdue 10 years ago
Ensure software is usable
Overdue 10 years ago
Future Tasks4
Write about the overall process activities and timeline
Start not defined yet!
Describe the structure of a GPF
Start not defined yet!
Define the goals of a GPF
Start not defined yet!
Write introduction
Start not defined yet!
Completed Tasks8
Develop GPF Checklist
Completed 10 years ago
Discuss what we will consider a GPF
Completed 10 years ago
Approach publisher and editors
Completed 10 years ago
Plan face-to-face kickoff meeting
Completed 10 years ago
Develop proposal for special issue
Completed 10 years ago
Plan overall timeline
Completed 10 years ago
Select target article
Completed 10 years ago
Participant sign-up
Completed 10 years ago
Recent Contributions
2015-06-06 00:14
Created page with " == Using This Wiki Is Easy! == '''Learn the basics of how wikis work''': * [[...
2015-06-05 23:28
/* Face-To-Face Meeting at the EarthCube AHM, Wednesday May 27, 2015 */
2015-06-05 23:27
/* Face-To-Face Meeting at the EarthCube AHM, Wednesday May 27, 2015 */
2015-04-26 18:37
Deleted PropertyValue: Participants = Chris Duffy
2015-04-26 18:37
Added PropertyValue: Participants = varun ratnakar
2015-04-26 18:34
Added PropertyValue: Participants = Lay Kuan Loh
2015-04-17 05:38
Creating new page with Category: Task
2015-04-17 05:38
Added PropertyValue: SubTask = Document_software_by_specifying_metadata_by_Jon_Goodall
2015-04-17 05:38
Deleted PropertyValue: SubTask = Document_quality_of_software_and_data_by_Jon_Goodall
2015-04-17 05:38
Yolanda moved page [[Document quality of software and data by Jon Goodall]] to [[Document software b...
2015-04-17 05:38
Creating new page with Category: Task
2015-04-17 05:38
Added PropertyValue: SubTask = Document_software_by_specifying_metadata_by_Kyo_Lee
2015-04-17 05:38
Deleted PropertyValue: SubTask = Document_quality_of_software_and_data_by_Kyo_Lee
2015-04-17 05:38
Yolanda moved page [[Document quality of software and data by Kyo Lee]] to [[Document software by sp...
2015-04-17 05:38
Creating new page with Category: Task
2015-04-17 05:38
Added PropertyValue: SubTask = Document_software_by_specifying_metadata_by_Allen_Pope
2015-04-17 05:38
Deleted PropertyValue: SubTask = Document_quality_of_software_and_data_by_Allen_Pope
2015-04-17 05:38
Yolanda moved page [[Document quality of software and data by Allen Pope]] to [[Document software by...
2015-04-17 05:37
Creating new page with Category: Task
2015-04-17 05:37
Added PropertyValue: SubTask = Document_software_by_specifying_metadata_by_Ji-Hyun_Oh
2015-04-17 05:37
Deleted PropertyValue: SubTask = Document_quality_of_software_and_data_by_Ji-Hyun_Oh
2015-04-17 05:37
Yolanda moved page [[Document quality of software and data by Ji-Hyun Oh]] to [[Document software by...
2015-04-17 05:37
Creating new page with Category: Task
2015-04-17 05:37
Added PropertyValue: SubTask = Document_software_by_specifying_metadata_by_Leif_Karlstrom
2015-04-17 05:37
Deleted PropertyValue: SubTask = Document_quality_of_software_and_data_by_Leif_Karlstrom
2015-04-17 05:37
Yolanda moved page [[Document quality of software and data by Leif Karlstrom]] to [[Document softwar...
2015-04-17 05:37
Creating new page with Category: Task
2015-04-17 05:37
Added PropertyValue: SubTask = Document_software_by_specifying_metadata_by_Wally_Fulweiler
2015-04-17 05:37
Deleted PropertyValue: SubTask = Document_quality_of_software_and_data_by_Wally_Fulweiler
2015-04-17 05:37
Yolanda moved page [[Document quality of software and data by Wally Fulweiler]] to [[Document softwa...
2015-04-17 05:37
Creating new page with Category: Task
2015-04-17 05:37
Added PropertyValue: SubTask = Document_software_by_specifying_metadata_by_Xuan_Yu
2015-04-17 05:37
Deleted PropertyValue: SubTask = Document_quality_of_software_and_data_by_Xuan_Yu
2015-04-17 05:37
Yolanda moved page [[Document quality of software and data by Xuan Yu]] to [[Document software by sp...
2015-04-17 05:36
Creating new page with Category: Task
2015-04-17 05:36
Added PropertyValue: SubTask = Document_software_by_specifying_metadata_by_Sandra_Villamizar
2015-04-17 05:36
Deleted PropertyValue: SubTask = Document_quality_of_software_and_data_by_Sandra_Villamizar
2015-04-17 05:36
Yolanda moved page [[Document quality of software and data by Sandra Villamizar]] to [[Document soft...
2015-04-17 05:36
Creating new page with Category: Task
2015-04-17 05:36
Added PropertyValue: SubTask = Document_software_by_specifying_metadata_by_Mimi_Tzeng
2015-04-17 05:36
Deleted PropertyValue: SubTask = Document_quality_of_software_and_data_by_Mimi_Tzeng
2015-04-17 05:36
Yolanda moved page [[Document quality of software and data by Mimi Tzeng]] to [[Document software by...
2015-04-17 05:35
Creating new page with Category: Task
2015-04-17 05:35
Added PropertyValue: SubTask = Document_software_by_specifying_metadata_by_Suzanne_Pierce
2015-04-17 05:35
Deleted PropertyValue: SubTask = Document_quality_of_software_and_data_by_Suzanne_Pierce
2015-04-17 05:35
Yolanda moved page [[Document quality of software and data by Suzanne Pierce]] to [[Document softwar...
2015-04-17 05:34
Creating new page with Category: Task
2015-04-17 05:34
Added PropertyValue: SubTask = Document_software_by_specifying_metadata_by_Heath_Mills
2015-04-17 05:34
Deleted PropertyValue: SubTask = Document_quality_of_software_and_data_by_Heath_Mills
2015-04-17 05:34
Yolanda moved page [[Document quality of software and data by Heath Mills]] to [[Document software b...
2015-04-17 05:34
Creating new page with Category: Task
2015-04-17 05:34
Added PropertyValue: SubTask = Document_software_by_specifying_metadata_by_Ibrahim_Demir
2015-04-17 05:34
Deleted PropertyValue: SubTask = Document_quality_of_software_and_data_by_Ibrahim_Demir
2015-04-17 05:34
Yolanda moved page [[Document quality of software and data by Ibrahim Demir]] to [[Document software...
2015-04-17 05:33
Creating new page with Category: Task
2015-04-17 05:33
Added PropertyValue: SubTask = Document_software_by_specifying_metadata_by_Cedric_David
2015-04-17 05:33
Deleted PropertyValue: SubTask = Document_quality_of_software_and_data_by_Cedric_David
2015-04-17 05:33
Yolanda moved page [[Document quality of software and data by Cedric David]] to [[Document software ...
2015-04-17 00:13
/* = Using the WINGS Workflow System to Document Provenance */
2015-04-15 20:22
Deleted PropertyValue: SubTask = Document_GPF_activities_by_Jordan_Read
2015-04-15 17:08
Deleted PropertyValue: SubTask = Plan_publication_of_special_issue
2015-04-11 16:14
/* Background: Why a Special Issue on Geoscience Papers of the Future? */
2015-04-11 15:45
/* Motivation: The EarthCube Initiative and the GeoSoft Project */
2015-04-09 22:35
/* New Frameworks to Create a New Generation of Scientific Articles */
2015-04-09 22:31
/* New Frameworks to Create a New Generation of Scientific Articles */
2015-04-03 03:02
Added PropertyValue: SubTask = Document_software_by_specifying_metadata
2015-04-03 03:02
Deleted PropertyValue: SubTask = Document_quality_of_software_and_data
2015-04-03 03:02
Yolanda moved page [[Document quality of software and data]] to [[Document software by specifying me...
2015-03-20 07:19
Added PropertyValue: Participants = Mohamed Morsy
2015-03-20 07:19
Added PropertyValue: Participants = Bakinam Essawy
2015-03-13 21:16
Set PropertyValue: Owner = Suzanne Pierce
2015-03-13 21:15
Set PropertyValue: Owner = Suzanne Pierce
2015-03-13 21:15
Added PropertyValue: Participants = Kyo Lee
2015-03-13 21:12
Set PropertyValue: Owner = Xuan Yu
2015-03-13 21:11
Set PropertyValue: Owner = Cedric David
2015-03-13 21:08
Added PropertyValue: Participants = Suzanne Pierce
2015-03-13 21:08
Set PropertyValue: Owner = Heath Mills
2015-03-13 21:04
Set PropertyValue: Owner = Allen Pope
2015-03-12 23:46
Added PropertyValue: Participants = Chris Duffy
2015-03-12 21:37
Added PropertyValue: Participants = Sandra Villamizar
2015-03-12 21:37
Added PropertyValue: Participants = Suzanne Pierce
2015-03-12 21:36
Added PropertyValue: Participants = Leif Karlstrom
2015-03-12 21:36
Added PropertyValue: Participants = Wally Fulweiler
2015-03-12 21:30
/* Motivation: The EarthCube Initiative and the GeoSoft Project */
2015-03-12 21:30
/* Background: Why a Special Issue on Geoscience Papers of the Future? */
2015-03-12 21:22
/* Background: Why a Special Issue on Geoscience Papers of the Future? */
2015-03-12 21:22
/* Motivation: The EarthCube Initiative and the GeoSoft Project (Yolanda) */
2015-03-10 19:30
Added PropertyValue: SubTask = Write about large datasets
2015-03-10 19:26
Added PropertyValue: SubTask = Describe the structure of a GPF
2015-03-10 19:26
Set PropertyValue: Type = medium
2015-03-10 19:25
Set PropertyValue: Type = medium
2015-03-10 19:24
Set PropertyValue: Type = low
2015-03-10 19:24
Set PropertyValue: Owner = Yolanda Gil
2015-03-10 19:24
Set PropertyValue: Owner = Yolanda Gil
2015-03-10 19:23
Set PropertyValue: Type = low
2015-03-10 19:22
Added PropertyValue: SubTask = Write about unearthing codes from previous work
2015-03-10 19:22
Creating new page with Category: Task
2015-03-10 19:21
Added PropertyValue: Participants = Allen Pope
2015-03-10 19:21
Added PropertyValue: Participants = Mimi Tzeng
2015-03-10 19:19
Added PropertyValue: SubTask = Write about data preparation
2015-03-10 19:17
Added PropertyValue: SubTask = Write about using data from colleagues
2015-03-10 19:16
Added PropertyValue: SubTask = Write about using data from public repositories
2015-03-10 19:16
Creating new page with Category: Task
2015-03-10 19:16
Added PropertyValue: SubTask = Write about preparing the article for publication
2015-03-10 19:16
Creating new page with Category: Task
2015-03-10 19:16
Added PropertyValue: SubTask = Write about documenting quality of software and data
2015-03-10 19:16
Creating new page with Category: Task
2015-03-10 19:15
Added PropertyValue: SubTask = Write about documenting domain characteristics
2015-03-10 19:15
Added PropertyValue: SubTask = Write about making software accessible
2015-03-10 19:15
Added PropertyValue: SubTask = Write about making software executable by others
2015-03-10 19:15
Creating new page with Category: Task
2015-03-10 19:15
Added PropertyValue: SubTask = Write about documenting the provenance of the results
2015-03-10 19:15
Creating new page with Category: Task
2015-03-10 19:14
Added PropertyValue: SubTask = Write about making data accessible
2015-03-10 19:14
Added PropertyValue: SubTask = Write about ensuring that software is usable
2015-03-10 19:14
Added PropertyValue: SubTask = Write overview of each article s geoscience area science goals type o...
2015-03-10 19:14
Creating new page with Category: Task
2015-03-10 19:13
Added PropertyValue: SubTask = Write about each author s motivation to participate
2015-03-10 19:13
Creating new page with Category: Task
2015-03-10 19:12
Deleted PropertyValue: SubTask = Write_overview_of_each_article_geoscience_area_science_goals_type_o...
2015-03-10 19:11
Added PropertyValue: SubTask = Write overview of each article geoscience area science goals type of ...
2015-03-10 19:10
Added PropertyValue: SubTask = Write about the overall process activities and timeline
2015-03-10 19:10
Creating new page with Category: Task
2015-03-10 19:05
Added PropertyValue: Participants = Leif Karlstrom
2015-03-10 19:05
Added PropertyValue: Participants = Wally Fulweiler
2015-03-10 19:05
Added PropertyValue: Participants = Sandra Villamizar
2015-03-10 19:04
Added PropertyValue: Participants = Suzanne Pierce
2015-03-10 19:04
Added PropertyValue: Participants = Ibrahim Demir
2015-03-10 19:04
Added PropertyValue: Participants = Chris Mattmann
2015-03-10 19:04
Added PropertyValue: Participants = Erin Robinson
2015-03-10 19:03
Added PropertyValue: Participants = Scott Peckham
2015-03-10 07:58
Yolanda uploaded a new version of [[File:GeoSoft-ECAC-F2F-March2015-Agenda.pdf]]
2015-03-08 09:04
Deleted PropertyValue: SubTask = Document_GPF_activities_by_Harmony_Colella
2015-02-27 02:12
Yolanda uploaded a new version of [[File:GeoSoft-ECAC-F2F-March2015-Agenda.pdf]]
2015-02-20 13:18
Created page with "To be able to edit a wiki, you have to log in first. Click the "Edit" button a...
2015-02-11 21:44
Added PropertyValue: Expertise = open science
2015-02-11 21:36
Added PropertyValue: SubTask = Prepare the article for publication
2015-02-11 21:36
Added PropertyValue: SubTask = Document quality of software and data
2015-02-11 21:36
Added PropertyValue: SubTask = Document domain characteristics
2015-02-11 21:29
Added PropertyValue: SubTask = Make software executable by others
2015-02-11 21:28
Added PropertyValue: SubTask = Document the provenance of the results
2015-02-11 21:20
Yolanda moved page [[GPF activities]] to [[Document GPF activities]] without leaving a redirect: Mov...
2015-02-07 01:41
/* Creating a New Generation of Scientific Articles */
2015-02-06 16:25
Added PropertyValue: SubTask = Discuss what we will consider a GPF
2015-02-06 05:41
Added PropertyValue: SubTask = Plan publication of special issue
2015-02-06 05:41
Deleted PropertyValue: SubTask = Plan_publication_of_special_issue
2015-02-06 05:41
Added PropertyValue: SubTask = Plan publication of special issue
2015-01-21 02:10
Added PropertyValue: SubTask = Plan face-to-face kickoff meeting
Incoming Properties
Users who have contributed to this Page:
- Yolanda (2 Edits)