Participating on Tasks

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This page documents how you can be a participant in any task with only few simple steps. Once you add yourself as a task participant, you can start to add content. After you have added content you can set the progress on the task so far.

Add yourself as participant

It is important to add yourself as participant before you start working on a task. This helps everyone see who is involved and contributing. Open the task of your choice. Every task page has a task attributes section. This section contains an attribute named participants. Click on this row to open the edit mode. Type your <firstname lastname> and press enter to confirm your participation. If you want to remove yourself click on the red delete button next to the name.

Docu Participating Overview.png Docu Participating Edit.png

Add Content

After you have added yourself as participant you can start adding content to the task page. Click on edit on the top of the page. The page editor opens and shows the current page content. Note that even task pages that appear empty already have content generated by the system. This is shown on the example below. It is important that all system generated content remains untouched. You can add your content between the [ [Category:Task] ] line and before {{#set ... }}.

Docu Participating EditContent.png

Set Progress

After you have added content to the task page, you can adjust the progress on the task to reflect how much of it has been completed. Go to the line that has the progress attribute and edit the percentage shown.

Docu Participating SetProgress.png

Hint: A lock next to the progress attribute indicates that the system adjusts the progress automatically.
