Basic Task States

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This page explains representation of the most common task states. More advanced task states are explained in the section extended task states. Tasks can be underspecified tasks or fully specified tasks. At the end of this page we include a diagram to illustrate how the task state changes over time.

Underspecified Tasks

Tasks are underspecified when important information is missing, such as the start date or the owner (these are mandatory attributes). All underspecified tasks are shown with rings. The green portion of the ring represents the progress in adding the mandatory task attributes. Mandatory attributes are the task Type, Progress, Start date, Target date and the Owner. Tasks missing other attributes such as Participants and Expertise are not considered underspecified, so they do not affect the ring symbol.

Task created

Docu StateNormalCreated.png

This is the first task state after creation. A wiki page with the task name exists, but no mandatory attributes have been specified.

Task Specification in Progress

Docu StateNormalMetaDataInProgress.png

A task has some attributes specified. The proportion of attributes specified is visualized in this state.

Fully specified Tasks

Tasks are fully specified when all mandatory attributes have been set. This state is shown with a pie chart. The grey part shows work left to be done as a percentage, and the green shows the work that has already been done. The colors can differ depending on the task state as we explain next.

Task in Progress

Docu StateNormalMetaDataComplete.png

Tasks not yet completed but that have all mandatory attributes.

Docu StateNormalInProgress.png

Certain progress has been made on the task.

Docu StateNormalInProgressWithChildOverdue.png

Overdue subtasks are indicated with a orange point on the bottom right.

Task Overdue

Docu StateNormalOverdue.png

The task is not yet completed, but the target date is passed. It can also indicate that a subtask is not finished and the task target date is already passed.

Task Completed

Docu StateNormalCompleted.png

The task is completed and its progress is set to 100 percent. The progress calculation depends on the task type.

Typical state progression of tasks

Docu StateSimpleProcess.png
