Ensure software is usable by Xuan Yu
From Geoscience Paper of the Future
Legend: M Mandatory | States: ■ Not defined, ■ Valid, ■ Inconsistent with parent
Details on how to do this task: Ensure software is usable
The code of PIHM is written in C language. PIHM uses the ODE solver known as CVODE developed at the Lawrence- Livermore National Laboratory. Please download and install the solver before compiling PIHM.
Please note that the solver for PIHM: SUNDIALS is updating, and PIHM is also updating. So please make sure you match the version of SUNDIALS with PIHM. In this study, we would like to use PIHM v2.2 and SUNDIALS 2.2.0.
make install
make clean
make pihm
Now you will be able to run PIHMv2.2 on your machine.