Details on how to do this task: Ensure software is usable
- SeaTerm
- SBE Data Processing
- EcoWatch (for YSI)
- perl
- any text editor
- Matlab
- pdfsam (or other PDF concatenator)
- MS Word
- Matlab
- any text editor
- pdfsam (or other PDF concatenator)
- MS Word
Software seems to come in two forms:
A) the off-the-shelf professionally-produced kind that most people think of upon seeing the word "software"
B) the highly specific custom-made scripts that automate particular tasks for a particular lab or other working group, generally intended for internal use.
The list above is for software of type A.
Software of Type B for this project are in the form of several Matlab and perl scripts. These are gathered together in a folder; they don't have names that will mean anything to anyone else, and so they aren't listed here.
Task completion: I am waiting for Matlab to be reinstalled on the PI's lab computer so that I can rerun the entire processing to make sure that everything still works as intended. I am 95% confident that all will be fine, but won't claim that the "ensure software is usable" task is 100% complete until I can do this.
Update 20 Mar 2015: Today the PI got around to putting Matlab on his lab computer. I'm now much less confident that all will be fine, because the version of Matlab I used originally was (probably) from 2010, and the current version on the new PI's lab computer is 2015. Matlab has an annoying habit of changing things around between versions so that all previous scripts break in really stupid and time-consuming ways. I've already found two subtle differences (one of them will require a minor change in my perl script), and will have to look through the rest in more detail.