Draft paper about the initial framework design

From Organic Data Science Framework
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Draft outline:

  1. Introduction: talk about collaborative science
    1. social science studies of collaboration in large science projects
    2. sharing in science:
      1. through data services
      2. through resource sharing (e.g. Open Science Grid)
      3. through instruments (e.g. LHC)
    3. Our goal is to support organic collaboration, i.e., ad-hoc unanticipated collaboration
  2. Motivating scenario: describe in the context of a specific science project why scientists need better ways to collaborate and coordinate work in order to do research
    1. why do we need this new framework in order to do the science of predicting pathways and age of water and carbon isotopes for lake-catchment systems
    2. Requirements that result from those scenarios
      1. cannot anticipate who has expertise for what we need
      2. need asynchronous participation
      3. need low barrier for entry
  3. Approach: a task-centered collaboration framework that makes science processes open and is based on social design principles
    1. Social computing principles that address those requirements
    2. Task-centered framework
  4. Evaluation
    1. discuss possible methods to use, our choice of methods. See this page
    2. results
    3. discuss results
  5. Conclusions and future work
