[hide]About this task
This task involves a design for exploring tasks, and the implementation of this design.
STATUS: The design is completed. The implementation in progress.
Tasks with visual recognizable needed contribution are faster accomplished. Therefore all tasks of this wiki are hierarchically organized like our files in the most common operating systems. Everyone knows the windows explorer to browse folder and files.
Hierarchical View
The hierarchical view is related to the well-known file explorer pattern. The sidebar on the left represents all tasks hierarchical browsable and the task content is represented on the right side. The task progress is visualized by the pie chart icons in front of each browsable task item. Needed contributions can be found easily by a task drill down. All tasks are linked to the task representation page.
Selected Task
The currently selected task is highlighted with a light blue background. Related to the selected task all task details are represented on the right side.
Expertise Filter and Text Search
Over time many tasks will be listed therefore a search- and filter function helps to find the personal interesting and important tasks. Searching for certain task names are works easily by typing it into the search field. The filter functionality is powerful to search for certain fields of expertise. In both cases the results are shown within the hierarchical task context. All not matching tasks are not visible or grayed out. Parent tasks of matches are grayed to describe the context of the search and filter results. Results itself are represented in the normal layout style. The search and filter functionality can be used together.
Comments and Feedback
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- Felix (47 Edits)