Document software by specifying metadata by Mimi Tzeng

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Tried out the GeoSoft Portal to document Information entered so far is preliminary. I assume that I will need to write metadata for all of the following scripts:

  2. FindMoorEnds.m
  3. moorburst.m
  4. MOORprocess_all.m
  5. FindADCPendpoints.m
  6. stickplot.m (this one isn't actually mine; will have to figure out where I got it from)
  7. MoorADCP.m

Update 7/23/2015: I decided that I would only write metadata for the three main scripts:, MOORprocess_all.m, and MoorADCP.m. I used the OntoSoft portal. Unfortunately, the interface has some serious bugs when it comes to saving entered info, so I guess when the time comes to collect copies of completed metadata for my future zip file, I will have to edit in the info manually.