Develop proposal for special issue

From Geoscience Paper of the Future
Revision as of 21:36, 12 March 2015 by Yolanda (Talk | contribs) (Added PropertyValue: Participants = Leif Karlstrom)

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Background: Why a Special Issue on Geoscience Papers of the Future?

Include here our discussion for the vision

Motivation: The EarthCube Initiative and the GeoSoft Project

Include here background about GeoSoft from the web site

What is a GPF

Include here our discussion of what is a GPF

Related work

Include here the related work we have discussed

Papers to be included

For each submission, we describe:

  • Authors and affiliations:
  • Keywords of research area:
  • Tentative title:
  • Short abstract:
  • Relationship to other publications: (is the article based on a previously published article? is it new content?)
  • Pointer to the wiki page that documents the article:
  • Expected submission date:

[David 2015]

  • Authors and affiliations:
  • Keywords of research area:
  • Tentative title:
  • Short abstract:
  • Relationship to other publications:
  • Pointer to the wiki page that documents the article:
  • Expected submission date:

[Demir 2015]

  • Authors and affiliations:
  • Keywords of research area:
  • Tentative title:
  • Short abstract:
  • Relationship to other publications: (is the article based on a previously published article? is it new content?)
  • Pointer to the wiki page that documents the article:
  • Expected submission date:

[Fulweiler 2015]

  • Authors and affiliations:
  • Keywords of research area:
  • Tentative title:
  • Short abstract:
  • Relationship to other publications: (is the article based on a previously published article? is it new content?)
  • Pointer to the wiki page that documents the article:
  • Expected submission date:

[Karlstrom and Lay 2015]

  • Authors and affiliations:
  • Keywords of research area:
  • Tentative title:
  • Short abstract:
  • Relationship to other publications: (is the article based on a previously published article? is it new content?)
  • Pointer to the wiki page that documents the article:
  • Expected submission date:

[Lee 2015]

  • Authors and affiliations:
  • Keywords of research area:
  • Tentative title:
  • Short abstract:
  • Relationship to other publications: (is the article based on a previously published article? is it new content?)
  • Pointer to the wiki page that documents the article:
  • Expected submission date:

[Miller 2015]

  • Authors and affiliations:
  • Keywords of research area:
  • Tentative title:
  • Short abstract:
  • Relationship to other publications: (is the article based on a previously published article? is it new content?)
  • Pointer to the wiki page that documents the article:
  • Expected submission date:

[Mills 2015]

  • Authors and affiliations:
  • Keywords of research area:
  • Tentative title:
  • Short abstract:
  • Relationship to other publications: (is the article based on a previously published article? is it new content?)
  • Pointer to the wiki page that documents the article:
  • Expected submission date:

[Oh 2015]

  • Authors and affiliations:
  • Keywords of research area:
  • Tentative title:
  • Short abstract:
  • Relationship to other publications: (is the article based on a previously published article? is it new content?)
  • Pointer to the wiki page that documents the article:
  • Expected submission date:

[Pierce 2015]

  • Authors and affiliations:
  • Keywords of research area:
  • Tentative title:
  • Short abstract:
  • Relationship to other publications: (is the article based on a previously published article? is it new content?)
  • Pointer to the wiki page that documents the article:
  • Expected submission date:

[Pope 2015]

  • Authors and affiliations:
  • Keywords of research area:
  • Tentative title:
  • Short abstract:
  • Relationship to other publications: (is the article based on a previously published article? is it new content?)
  • Pointer to the wiki page that documents the article:
  • Expected submission date:

[Read and Winslow 2015]

  • Authors and affiliations:
  • Keywords of research area:
  • Tentative title:
  • Short abstract:
  • Relationship to other publications: (is the article based on a previously published article? is it new content?)
  • Pointer to the wiki page that documents the article:
  • Expected submission date:

[Tzeng 2015]

  • Authors and affiliations:
  • Keywords of research area:
  • Tentative title:
  • Short abstract:
  • Relationship to other publications: (is the article based on a previously published article? is it new content?)
  • Pointer to the wiki page that documents the article:
  • Expected submission date:

[Villamizar 2015]

  • Authors and affiliations:
  • Keywords of research area:
  • Tentative title:
  • Short abstract:
  • Relationship to other publications: (is the article based on a previously published article? is it new content?)
  • Pointer to the wiki page that documents the article:
  • Expected submission date:

[Yu 2015]

  • Authors and affiliations:
  • Keywords of research area:
  • Tentative title:
  • Short abstract:
  • Relationship to other publications: (is the article based on a previously published article? is it new content?)
  • Pointer to the wiki page that documents the article:
  • Expected submission date:

Special Issue Editors

  • Co-editor:
  • Co-editor:
  • Co-editor:

The editors will only accept submissions that follow the special issue review criteria.

The editors will select a set of reviewers to handle the submissions. Reviewers will include computer scientists, library scientists, and geoscientists.

Special Issue Review Criteria

The reviewers will be asked to provide feedback on the papers according to the following criteria:

  • Documentation of the datasets: descriptions of datasets, unique identifiers, repositories.
  • Documentation of software: description of all software used (including pre-processing of data, visualization steps, etc), unique identifiers, repositories.
  • Documentation of the provenance of results: provenance for each figure or result, such as the workflow or the provenance record.

Tentative Timeline

  • Journal committed to special issue: April 15, 2015
  • Submissions due to editors: June 30, 2015
  • Reviews due: Sept 15, 2015
  • Decisions out to authors: Sept 30, 2015
  • Revisions due: October 31, 2015
  • Final versions due November 15, 2015
  • Issue published December 31, 2015