Document domain characteristics by Mimi Tzeng
From Geoscience Paper of the Future
Details on how to do this task: Document domain characteristics
As I understand this task, we are to take all of the variables used in the project and find the corresponding variable names from the CSDMS list. So to start, here are lists of all of my variables. I'm just going to directly copy-paste from my scripts (MOORprocess_all.m and MoorADCP.m) for starters. I imagine the publication-ready version of this will be in three columns: the "common" name of the variable as oceanographers would understand it, the name of the variable in my code, and the name of the variable in the CSDMS.
YSI <ul> ctddepth{3} = YSI(:,6); ctdsal{3} = YSI(:,7); ctdtemp{3} = YSI(:,8); ctdpress{3} = YSI(:,9); %ctdpress{3}(1:length(ctdtimestamp{3})) = NaN; ctdcond{3} = YSI(:,10); ctdspcond{3} = YSI(:,11); ctdoxy{3} = YSI(:,13); ctdoxysat{3} = YSI(:,14); %ctdchla{3} = YSI(:,?); %ctdturb{3} = YSI(:,15); ctdturb{3}(1:length(ctdtimestamp{3})) = NaN; % a kludge for nonexistent variables in an existing package ctdtds{3} = YSI(:,15); </ul> CTDs <ul> ctdtemp{r} = CTD(:,1); ctdcond{r} = CTD(:,2); ctdpress{r} = CTD(:,3); ctdsal{r} = CTD(:,4); ctdsound{r} = CTD(:,5); ctdjday = CTD(:,6); %coming in, jday is Jan 1 = Day 1 ctddens{r} = CTD(:,8); ctddepth{r} = CTD(:,9); ctdspcond{r} = CTD(:,10); </ul> Thermistors <ul> tempT{r} = dataT(:,1); pressT = dataT(:,2); depthT = cnv(:,2); </ul> CTD cast <ul> depth=datablock(:,3); sal=datablock(:,4); temp=datablock(:,5); dens=datablock(:,6); press=datablock(:,7); cond=datablock(:,8); spcond=datablock(:,9); oxy=datablock(:,10); oxysat=datablock(:,11); ph=datablock(:,12); chla=datablock(:,13); par=datablock(:,14); %cdom=datablock(:,15); cdom(1:length(scan)) = NaN; batt=datablock(:,15); xmiss=datablock(:,16); </ul> ADCP <ul> Pitch = AnP100thDeg *.01; Roll = AnR100thDeg *.01; East_u = SerEmmpersec * 0.1; % convert mm per sec to cm per sec North_v = SerNmmpersec * 0.1; Vert_w = SerVmmpersec * 0.1; VelError = SerErmmpersec * 0.1; Mag = SerMagmmpersec * 0.1; DIR = SerDir10thDeg * 0.1; </ul>