Make data accessible by Mimi Tzeng
Details on how to do this task: Make data accessible
So far I've signed up to FigShare and obtained explicit permission from the PI to upload the data to it. I am now waiting for the PI to reinstall Matlab so I can rerun the processing.
As I recall, we are supposed to also make available all of the original raw data and intermediate files. There are many of these; should I also include a README.txt in the ultimate zip file that explains what all of these are?
Answer from telecon: include just the intermediate files that might be useful to someone else, such as the *.mat files. No need to include every single raw and intermediate file for this task.
New plan: going to use Zenodo instead of FigShare because it's run by CERN. The organization does matter for lending weight to legitimacy; CERN is a well-known, well-established science research institution, and FigShare seems to be a random startup...