Meeting Agendas or Minutes

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GLEON – SALT Agenda 2/25 Meeting

Long-term data collection progress reports: # of lakes, # of years, chemistry measured, trends observed Nick: USA Sam: Canada Flora: Central/South America Sarah: Africa Jamie: Europe

Future long-term data collection How much longer? Weaker regions to target

Dataset Processing Standardize format, create metadata and combine into one dataset? Control Vocabulary for Datasets (Nick) Standardizes variable naming and dataset structure Share control vocab supplement Share metadata template Everyone does metadata, but does anyone want to take lead on combining, formatting?

Preliminary results of literature search Current state of research into the effects of Na and Cl Major knowledge gaps to be filled

Future directions for literature search Target papers related to specific research questions? Assign topics

Status of NLA, specifically 2012 (Hilary)

ODS Wiki Would it be useful for our future goals? Worth the time?

Set meeting times for next month+
