System messages
This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.
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Name | Default message text |
Current message text | |
smw_noinvannot (Talk) (Translate) | Values cannot be assigned to inverse properties. |
smw_noproperty (Talk) (Translate) | "$1" cannot be used as a property name in this wiki. |
smw_noqueryfeature (Talk) (Translate) | Some query feature was not supported in this wiki and part of the query was dropped ($1). |
smw_notemplategiven (Talk) (Translate) | Provide a value for the parameter "template" for this query format to work. |
smw_notinenum (Talk) (Translate) | "$1" is not in the list of possible values ($2) for this property. |
smw_notitle (Talk) (Translate) | "$1" cannot be used as a page name in this wiki. |
smw_nounitsdeclared (Talk) (Translate) | No units of measurement were declared for this property. |
smw_novalues (Talk) (Translate) | No values specified. |
smw_parseerror (Talk) (Translate) | The given value was not understood. |
smw_pp_docu (Talk) (Translate) | Search for all the values of a property on a given page. Enter both a page and a property. |
smw_pp_from (Talk) (Translate) | From page |
smw_pp_submit (Talk) (Translate) | Find results |
smw_pp_type (Talk) (Translate) | Property |
smw_printername_broadtable (Talk) (Translate) | Broad table |
smw_printername_category (Talk) (Translate) | Category |
smw_printername_count (Talk) (Translate) | Count results |
smw_printername_csv (Talk) (Translate) | CSV export |
smw_printername_debug (Talk) (Translate) | Debug query (for experts) |
smw_printername_dsv (Talk) (Translate) | DSV export |
smw_printername_embedded (Talk) (Translate) | Embed page contents |
smw_printername_json (Talk) (Translate) | JSON export |
smw_printername_list (Talk) (Translate) | List |
smw_printername_ol (Talk) (Translate) | Enumeration |
smw_printername_rdf (Talk) (Translate) | RDF export |
smw_printername_table (Talk) (Translate) | Table |
smw_printername_template (Talk) (Translate) | Template |
smw_printername_ul (Talk) (Translate) | Itemization |
smw_properties_docu (Talk) (Translate) | The following properties are used in the wiki. |
smw_property_template (Talk) (Translate) | $1 of type $2 ($3 {{PLURAL:$3|use|uses}}) |
smw_property_template_notype (Talk) (Translate) | $1 ($2) |
smw_propertyhardlyused (Talk) (Translate) | This property is hardly used within the wiki! |
smw_propertylackspage (Talk) (Translate) | All properties should be described by a page! |
smw_propertylackstype (Talk) (Translate) | No type was specified for this property (assuming type $1 for now). |
smw_propvalueproblem (Talk) (Translate) | The value of property "$1" was not understood. |
smw_purge (Talk) (Translate) | Refresh |
smw_querytoolarge (Talk) (Translate) | The following query conditions could not be considered due to the wikis restrictions in query size or depth: $1. |
smw_rdf_link (Talk) (Translate) | RDF |
smw_result_next (Talk) (Translate) | Next |
smw_result_noresults (Talk) (Translate) | No results. |
smw_result_prev (Talk) (Translate) | Previous |
smw_result_results (Talk) (Translate) | Results |
smw_sbv_displayresult (Talk) (Translate) | A list of all pages that have property "$1" with value "$2" |
smw_sbv_displayresultfuzzy (Talk) (Translate) | A list of all pages that have property "$1" with value "$2". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed. |
smw_sbv_docu (Talk) (Translate) | Search for all pages that have a given property and value. |
smw_sbv_novalue (Talk) (Translate) | Enter a valid value for the property, or view all property values for "$1". |
smw_sbv_property (Talk) (Translate) | Property: |
smw_sbv_submit (Talk) (Translate) | Find results |
smw_sbv_value (Talk) (Translate) | Value: |
smw_semstats_text (Talk) (Translate) | This wiki contains '''$1''' property {{PLURAL:$1|value|values}} for a total of '''$2''' [[Special:Properties|{{PLURAL:$2|property|different properties}}]]. '''$3''' {{PLURAL:$3|property has|properties have}} an own page, and the intended data type is specified for '''$4''' of those. Some of the existing properties might be [[Special:UnusedProperties|unused properties]]. Properties that still lack a page are found on the [[Special:WantedProperties|list of wanted properties]]. |
smw_smwadmin_announce (Talk) (Translate) | Announce your wiki |
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