System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.

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Current message text
smw-sp-concept-empty (Talk) (Translate) No concept was found.
smw-sp-concept-header (Talk) (Translate) List of concepts
smw-sp-properties-cache-info (Talk) (Translate) The listed data have been retrieved from [ cache], and were last updated $1.
smw-sp-properties-docu (Talk) (Translate) This page shows [ properties] that are available and when filtered, only user-defined properties that match the condition are displayed. For a differentiated view, see the special page [[Special:UnusedProperties|unused properties]] or [[Special:WantedProperties|wanted properties]].
smw-sp-properties-header-label (Talk) (Translate) List of properties
smw-sp-property-searchform (Talk) (Translate) Display properties that contain:
smw-sp-property-searchform-inputinfo (Talk) (Translate) The input is case sensitive and when used for filtering, only properties that match the condition are displayed.
smw-special-types-no-such-type (Talk) (Translate) The specified data type does not exist
smw-statistics (Talk) (Translate) Semantic statistics
smw-statistics-concept-count (Talk) (Translate) [[Special:Concepts|{{PLURAL:$1|Concept|Concepts}}]]
smw-statistics-concept-count-legacy (Talk) (Translate) {{PLURAL:$1|Concept|Concepts}}
smw-statistics-datatype-count (Talk) (Translate) [[Special:Types|{{PLURAL:$1|Datatype|Datatypes}}]]
smw-statistics-property-instance (Talk) (Translate) Property {{PLURAL:$1|value|values}} (total)
smw-statistics-property-page (Talk) (Translate) {{PLURAL:$1|Property|Properties}} (registered with a page)
smw-statistics-property-total (Talk) (Translate) [[Special:Properties|{{PLURAL:$1|Property|Properties}}]] (total)
smw-statistics-property-total-legacy (Talk) (Translate) {{PLURAL:$1|Property|Properties}} (total)
smw-statistics-property-type (Talk) (Translate) {{PLURAL:$1|Property|Properties}} (assigned to a datatype)
smw-statistics-query-inline (Talk) (Translate) {{PLURAL:$1|Query|Queries}}
smw-statistics-query-size (Talk) (Translate) Query size
smw-statistics-subobject-count (Talk) (Translate) {{PLURAL:$1|Subobject|Subobjects}}
smw-ui-tooltip-title-event (Talk) (Translate) Event
smw-ui-tooltip-title-info (Talk) (Translate) Information
smw-ui-tooltip-title-legend (Talk) (Translate) Legend
smw-ui-tooltip-title-note (Talk) (Translate) Note
smw-ui-tooltip-title-parameter (Talk) (Translate) Parameter
smw-ui-tooltip-title-property (Talk) (Translate) Property
smw-ui-tooltip-title-quantity (Talk) (Translate) Quantity
smw-ui-tooltip-title-service (Talk) (Translate) Service links
smw-ui-tooltip-title-warning (Talk) (Translate) Error
smw_add_sortcondition (Talk) (Translate) [Add sorting condition]
smw_ask_ascorder (Talk) (Translate) Ascending
smw_ask_defaultformat (Talk) (Translate) default
smw_ask_descorder (Talk) (Translate) Descending
smw_ask_editquery (Talk) (Translate) [Edit query]
smw_ask_embed_instr (Talk) (Translate) To embed this query inline into a wiki page use the code below.
smw_ask_format_as (Talk) (Translate) Format as:
smw_ask_help (Talk) (Translate) Querying help
smw_ask_hide_embed (Talk) (Translate) Hide embed code
smw_ask_hidequery (Talk) (Translate) Hide query
smw_ask_otheroptions (Talk) (Translate) Other options
smw_ask_printdesc (Talk) (Translate) (add one property name per line)
smw_ask_printhead (Talk) (Translate) Additional data to display
smw_ask_queryhead (Talk) (Translate) Query
smw_ask_show_embed (Talk) (Translate) Show embed code
smw_ask_sortby (Talk) (Translate) Sort by column (optional)
smw_ask_submit (Talk) (Translate) Find results
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