System messages
This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.
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Name | Default message text |
Current message text | |
signupstart (Talk) (Translate) | {{int:loginstart}} |
simpleantispam-label (Talk) (Translate) | Anti-spam check. Do <strong>NOT</strong> fill this in! |
site-atom-feed (Talk) (Translate) | $1 Atom feed |
site-rss-feed (Talk) (Translate) | $1 RSS feed |
sitecsspreview (Talk) (Translate) | <strong>Remember that you are only previewing this CSS. It has not yet been saved!</strong> |
sitejspreview (Talk) (Translate) | <strong>Remember that you are only previewing this JavaScript code. It has not yet been saved!</strong> |
sitenotice (Talk) (Translate) | - |
sitesubtitle (Talk) (Translate) | |
sitetitle (Talk) (Translate) | {{SITENAME}} |
siteuser (Talk) (Translate) | {{SITENAME}} user $1 |
siteusers (Talk) (Translate) | {{SITENAME}} {{PLURAL:$2|user|users}} $1 |
size-bytes (Talk) (Translate) | $1 B |
size-exabytes (Talk) (Translate) | $1 EB |
size-gigabytes (Talk) (Translate) | $1 GB |
size-kilobytes (Talk) (Translate) | $1 KB |
size-megabytes (Talk) (Translate) | $1 MB |
size-petabytes (Talk) (Translate) | $1 PB |
size-terabytes (Talk) (Translate) | $1 TB |
size-yottabytes (Talk) (Translate) | $1 YB |
size-zetabytes (Talk) (Translate) | $1 ZB |
skin-preview (Talk) (Translate) | Preview |
skinname-cologneblue (Talk) (Translate) | Cologne Blue |
skinname-modern (Talk) (Translate) | Modern |
skinname-monobook (Talk) (Translate) | MonoBook |
skinname-vector (Talk) (Translate) | Vector |
smw-ask-delete (Talk) (Translate) | [Delete] |
smw-ask-format-selection-help (Talk) (Translate) | For a detailed description, please visit the $1 help page. |
smw-ask-otheroptions-collapsed-info (Talk) (Translate) | Please use the plus icon to view all available options |
smw-ask-otheroptions-info (Talk) (Translate) | This section contains options that alter printout statements. Parameter descriptions can be viewed by hovering over them. |
smw-ask-sorting (Talk) (Translate) | Sorting |
smw-concept-cache-text (Talk) (Translate) | The concept has a total of $1 {{PLURAL:$1|page|pages}}, and was last updated $2. |
smw-createproperty-allowedvals (Talk) (Translate) | The allowed {{PLURAL:$1|value for this property is|values for this property are}}: |
smw-createproperty-isproperty (Talk) (Translate) | This is a property of type $1. |
smw-desc (Talk) (Translate) | Making your wiki more accessible - for machines ''and'' humans ([ online documentation]) |
smw-info-par-icon (Talk) (Translate) | Icon to show, either "info" or "warning". |
smw-info-par-message (Talk) (Translate) | Message to display. |
smw-label-feed-description (Talk) (Translate) | $1 $2 feed |
smw-label-feed-link (Talk) (Translate) | RSS |
smw-livepreview-loading (Talk) (Translate) | Loading... |
smw-pa-property-predefined-default (Talk) (Translate) | $1 is a predefined property (also known as [ special property]). It is a built-in property that comes with additional administrative privileges but can be used just like any other [ user-defined property]. |
smw-pa-property-predefined_ask (Talk) (Translate) | $1 is a predefined property (also known as [ special property]) which links to the meta data [ subobject] of a query. It is a built-in property that comes with additional administrative privileges but can be used just like any other [ user-defined property]. |
smw-pa-property-predefined_asksi (Talk) (Translate) | $1 is a predefined property (also known as [ special property]) which collects the number of conditions used in a query. It is a built-in property that comes with additional administrative privileges but can be used just like any other [ user-defined property]. |
smw-paramdesc-category-delim (Talk) (Translate) | The delimiter |
smw-paramdesc-category-template (Talk) (Translate) | A template to format the items with |
smw-paramdesc-category-userparam (Talk) (Translate) | A parameter to pass to the template |
smw-paramdesc-columns (Talk) (Translate) | The number of columns in which to display results (default is $1) |
smw-paramdesc-csv-sep (Talk) (Translate) | The separator to use |
smw-paramdesc-default (Talk) (Translate) | The text to display if there are no query results |
smw-paramdesc-distribution (Talk) (Translate) | Instead of displaying all values, count their occurrences, and show these. |
smw-paramdesc-distributionlimit (Talk) (Translate) | Limit the value distribution to the count of only some values. |
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