Select catchment model
We decided to use PIHM as the basic model but will incorporate a new strategy to embed lake hydrography in pihm.In the 2nd half of 2014 we will test a new version of pihm that explicitly allows 2-D surface-water bodies. The criteria we used to decide on the modeling framework was our need to be able to couple the lake hydrodynamic model code with the catchment code efficiently. Although pihm is quite flexible for integrating new physics modules there still are important criteria such as the ability to use a common solver and and the amount of work for harmonizing the input/output data and formats for visual-analytics. In the future we intend to evaluate other catchment-lake physics codes but GLM-PIHM makes the best choice for the prototype given the science we wish to achieve.
- @ChrisDuffy: We should have some text in this page justifying the choice. Also, we should have begin and end dates, and show that the task has ended and is 100% completed. -- -- Yolanda